
Group 9

This is the Math Investigation Task question assigned to your group. You may click on the question for a full screen view and then click back to the blog view to begin contributing your ideas and thoughts in the comment section below this post.


  1. AnonymousMay 22, 2009

    Another way to find the interior angle of a polygon is first divide the polygon in to triangles. Then you would mulitply the number of trianlges by 180. Then that would give you give you the interior angle.

  2. AnonymousMay 22, 2009

    The pattern is that the y axis goes up by 180 for every 1 the x axis increases by, which could be a way to find one of the solutions.

  3. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    One strategy to help us solve the question is to find the pattern rule to extend the graph. Sophie :)

  4. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    I just want to point out that we all have similar ideas. At first this question confused me but then I saw the strategy I suggested. Does anyone have any other strategies that would help me further understand this question? Sophie (again)

  5. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    Both Victoria and "Sam" are right. But it turned out Victoria’s way is much faster and easier. If there is another strategy you know please post it. (:

  6. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    I agree with Victoria and sam.If you divide the polygon up it would be easier to measure and multiply several smaller shapes then it would be to multiply a larger shape

  7. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    It seems that we all have similar ideas, so if anyone could think of another way to do this please post it on the blog. My ideas are pretty much just expanding on what we already have, so if anybody can think of another way, PLEASE post it. :S

  8. AnonymousMay 25, 2009

    Victoria's and Sam's way is the same thing. The reason why they are the same is because if the polygon had five sides. If you used Sam's wayyou would subtract two which would equal three. But if you used Victoria's way the number of triangles that would make up the polygon would be three. Victoria's way cold be faster if the polygon was already drawn for you, but if the polygon was not dawn already then you would have to take up more time to draw the polygon.

  9. AnonymousMay 26, 2009

    In my opinion we should try to combined the ideas. Sophie

  10. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    A formula to find the interior angle of a polygon is the following. (n-2)x180=interior angle. Which would mean the each angle is

  11. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    I agree with this groups strategies because if you divide it to Triangles that will create different areas of movement.
